According to the American Stroke Association, stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, with nearly 800,000 people suffering one each year.
Quickly recognizing a stroke is key to a patient’s prognosis, but the greatest emphasis should be on stroke education and prevention. Identifying the major stroke risk factors and making the necessary lifestyle changes are the best ways to reduce the number of stroke sufferers.
There are two main types of strokes: hemorrhagic and ischemic. In addition, patients can suffer a TIA (transient ischemic attack), also known as a “minor-stroke”. The characteristics of these strokes include:
The symptoms of a stroke are sudden instances of:
One quick and effective way to identify a stroke is the BEFAST method, endorsed and used by doctors, nurses, and EMTs. BEFAST stands for the following;
Although strokes are far too common, patients can lower their chances of having one by addressing the main risk factors. These stroke risk factors can be categorized as modifiable and non-modifiable.
Fortunately, patients can greatly reduce their risk of stroke by making healthy lifestyle changes, including:
Controlling health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart issues is key to preventing strokes. Stress contributes to stroke risk as well, so try and manage your life pressures; seek help from a mental health professional for assistance in easing mental and emotional strain.
Sevaro provides evidence-based teleneurology, specializing in emergent stroke care. When you choose Sevaro as your trusted hospital partner, you improve the care and prognosis of stroke victims. Your ED staff can reach a vascular neurologist in under 45 seconds, which means the right treatment decisions are made faster, improving patient outcomes. Our telestroke and general teleneurology services bring enhanced medical care to partner hospitals and their patients across the country, and help stroke victims recover faster and more fully.
Sevaro also offers stroke survivors and caretakers a free monthly support group that helps them cope with the pressures their circumstances may bring. For more information on Sevaro’s teleneurology services, please fill out this brief online form.
Hospitals have many options for telestroke partners, but only one option dedicated exclusively to teleneurology and revolutionizing and personalizing telestroke care. When time is everything, Sevaro will stand by you, your staff, and your patients to save time, save brain, and save lives.