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Real Stories, Real Impact: The Power of Telestroke – Telestroke Success Stories

What is Telestroke Tuesday?

Telestroke success stories aren’t just testimonials—they’re powerful reminders of the significant difference that our teleneurologists make every single day.

By highlighting and celebrating these successes every #telestroketuesday on our social media channels, Sevaro aims to offer neurologists a heartening glimpse into the invaluable impact of their tireless efforts.

These stories stand as beacons of hope, showcasing moments where telestroke interventions have not only treated but transformed lives. As we spotlight these triumphs, we hope to continually inspire our community of neurologists, reminding them that their dedication echoes in the countless lives they touch and change.

Embrace the world of telestroke, and let these narratives reaffirm the profound importance of the work you do.

Alan's telestroke success story

Alan’s Telestroke Success Story

At 71, Alan, a lifelong musician, faced his second stroke in 1 month; this time with severe left-side weakness, unable to see, and unaware of his surroundings. Alan was rushed to the ER by medics for a telestroke evaluation.

As a result of his initial stroke, he couldn’t receive TNK for treatment due to the risk of bleeding. Fortunately, Alan underwent an emergency mechanical thrombectomy to remove a clot from his right middle cerebral artery.

Within two days, Alan regained function on his left side and was humming a tune with his granddaughter (his favorite backup singer) in perfect harmony.

Not surprisingly, Alan was back on stage with his band the following Saturday evening, strumming his guitar without skipping a beat. His journey is a testament to human resilience and the remarkable strides in medical technology, a reminder that the symphony of life persists even in the face of adversity.

Initial NIHSS: 20, Discharge NIHSS: 1, TICI: 3
Walter's telestroke success story

Walter’s Telestroke Success Story

Watching television one evening with his wife Sarah, 76-year-old Walter experienced a terrifying ordeal. His words were a jumbled mess and his left hand struggled with the remote. Panic set in as Walter’s heart raced uncontrollably in atrial flutter and left side went limp.

At the local ED, a Telestroke neurologist spotted an L-shaped clot (red arrow) denying blood flow to the right half of Walter’s brain. Within “the Golden Hour” of experiencing symptoms, Walter received TNK, followed by an endovascular thrombectomy a little more than 1 hour after arriving. Time is brain.

Walter’s remarkable turnaround was made possible thanks to the rapid response of Sarah, EMTs, the Telestroke neurologist and the stroke team. Walter emerged from this ordeal with only slight left-hand clumsiness—a small price for the gift of a second chance at life with his wife of 51 years.

Initial NIHSS: 16, Discharge NIHSS: 1, DTN: 18, TICI: 3
Robert's Telestroke Success Story

DID YOU KNOW?: COVID-19 patients with strokes are less likely to make it home after hospitalization.

Robert’s Telestroke Success Story

In June 2023, Robert, a 55-year-old construction worker, fell ill with COVID-19 after an outbreak at work. He suffered a terrible bout of hiccups and could not even swallow a drink of water.  Suddenly, he had difficulty breathing, swayed to the right and passed out in front of his children.  He was rushed to a nearby emergency facility.

Thanks to telemedicine, swift collaboration with a vascular neurologist identified a brainstem stroke, further complicated by blood clots to the lungs due to COVID. After receiving the blood clot buster tenecteplase (TNK), Robert miraculously rebounded within a matter of hours on a ventilator.

Despite his initial dire condition, he emerged from the ICU a few days later, a changed man — heading back to his construction site and his family with a newfound resolution to adapt his lifestyle for healthier horizons.  Robert beat the odds and made it home.

Initial NIHSS: 20, Discharge NIHSS: 0, DTN: 20
Anthony's telestroke success story

Beating Cancer and Stroke

Anthony’s Telestroke Success Story

Just days after finishing four challenging months of chemo and notching his first win against lung cancer, 71-year-old Anthony unexpectedly faced his greatest challenge yet. Emerging from the shower one day, his right leg went numb, sending him crashing to the ground. Anthony tried to call out, but his voice betrayed him: a textbook symptom of aphasia.

Fortunately, his wife heard the thud and called 911. At the comprehensive stroke center, a vascular neurologist emergently evaluated Anthony via telestroke, reviewed his medical records and counseled his wife on camera in real-time. A blood clot from Anthony’s heart was obstructing the critical T-junction formed by his left internal carotid, middle, and anterior cerebral arteries–a situation that would lead to one of the most debilitating strokes without swift action.

Within 1 hour of the vascular neurologist’s call, the neurointerventional team assembled and restored full blood flow (TICI 3) by suctioning out the clot. Anthony was immediately back to his baseline state of function hours after waking up from the procedure.

Initial NIHSS: 23, Discharge NIHSS: 0, Door To Device: 84 min, TICI: 3
Madeline's telestroke success story

Madeline’s Telestroke Success Story

77-year-old Madeline was enjoying a vacation with some old friends that were visiting from overseas. One morning, Madeline did not show up for brunch. Her friends checked on her at her hotel and found Madeline completely paralyzed on the right side, unable to utter a sound.

Acting swiftly, her friends dialed 911, getting her immediate attention from a specialized stroke team. Within 20 minutes, Madeline was evaluated remotely by a vascular neurologist and received the clot-busting drug, TNK.

Additional CT scans pinpointed the issue: a near-total blockage in her left internal carotid artery (yellow arrow). The teleneurologist immediately contacted the interventional neurosurgeon on call. A stent was placed, redirecting vital blood flow up to the brain. In just 3 days (!!), Madeline was fully recovered, allowing her to enjoy the last few days of vacation with her friends.

Initial NIHSS: 24, Discharge NIHSS: 0, DTN: 20, Length Of Stay: 4 Days

Real Stories, Real Impact: The Power of Telestroke - Telestroke Success Stories

Nancy’s Telestroke Success Story

Nancy, a 73 year old retiree, was enjoying her traditional Saturday morning bowl of oatmeal and coffee with her husband while waiting for a visit from their grandchildren.  Suddenly, Nancy’s face started to draw and she started to lean off the right side of her chair.  A tranquil family moment turned to sheer panic.

Not knowing what to do, her husband’s quick thinking led him to call their daughter – a local gynecologist, who urged an immediate 911 call.

Rushed to the ER, scans showed a dangerously narrowed carotid artery and TWO blood clots threatening her brain. Nancy underwent a successful thrombectomy and stent placement, which eventually led to the diagnosis of the silent time-bomb that had caused those blood clots: atrial fibrillation.

Thanks to the assistance and quick intervention of teleneurology, Nancy is back to the family traditions that she cherishes so much.

Initial NIHSS: 4, Discharge NIHSS: 0 TICI: 2b

Learn more about how Sevaro makes these telestroke success stories possible.