How Patients With Complex Neurological Problems Benefit From Prompt, Data-Driven Teleneurology
December 7, 2023

Teleneurology is a medical practice in which neurologists and vascular neurologists can see patients remotely via video conferencing to supplement in-person care. There are numerous ways teleneurology benefits patients, from a regular visit to the outpatient clinic to inpatient stroke treatment. Many clinicians are familiar with the technological advances made in stroke care and medicine thanks to teleneurology, but not all realize there are many other opportunities to transform neurological care. Here’s how teleneurology is positively impacting patients’ lives.
Teleneurology Allows for Faster Diagnostics and Reduced Length of Stay
The technology used in telemedicine has enabled physicians to read EEGs remotely. Ordering a test is easy, but it can be complicated when it comes to interpreting and reporting results, which leads to delays in diagnosis. Patients have benefitted from Sevaro’s teleneurology services, as it has sped up diagnosis in stroke and epilepsy while also reducing the hospital length of stay. An accurate and faster diagnosis of complex neurological problems enables better patient outcomes and is the difference between patients receiving thrombolytics in the ED and going home the next day or spending the rest of their lives in a nursing facility.
Saving Lives with TeleStroke
Diagnosing and treating stroke is one of the major areas benefiting from teleneurology. Stroke is the major cause of long-term disability and is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. Each minute that treatment for a stroke is delayed, two million brain cells die. Many hospitals are still not equipped for hyper-acute stroke treatments. By utilizing telestroke, lifesaving treatments are accessible for patients in hospitals. Over a hundred million Americans live over an hour from a hospital with a primary stroke center. Technology, like the data-driven systems used by Sevaro, can be lifesaving in these situations, and prevent long-term disability and death.
Sevaro’s proprietary OneCall telestroke system works using telehealth technology connecting hospitals to a vascular neurologist in 45 seconds. Patients get a management plan that enables the correct treatment to be administered rapidly. That one call can make the significant difference between a prompt diagnosis and treatment plan and a delayed one, which is the difference between a good and bad patient outcome. It is different from standard telemedicine models in which emergency responders are required to input information and data. With Sevaro OneCall, the hospital staff is connected directly to a vascular neurologist for maximum efficiency, eliminating complicated call schedules and confused call center representatives.
Supporting Clinicians with General Neurology
Small hospitals and clinics don’t always have the neurological infrastructure that major institutions have. That can mean a long journey for the patient, or months of delays waiting for appointments and investigations. During that time, the patient could be taking ineffective medication.
Sevaro meets this need with our proprietary teleneurology solution that works in partnership with hospitals and their ED staff. Our vascular neurologists are available immediately via telelink or video conferencing and can join a multidisciplinary team meeting or consultation to discuss the case. Patients that benefit from this service include those with neurological disorders such as Myasthenia Gravis, Spinal Stenosis, and Guillain Barre. The service also helps clinicians learn from each other through that shared experience. Most importantly, the patient gets a clear treatment plan and can progress through investigations, treatment, or rehabilitation.
NeuroCritical Care Support
Complex neurological critical care can be a challenge for general intensive care services. When time and decision-making are vital, having an expert on a video link or phone call can make all the difference. Our expert team at Sevaro can provide a range of specialty neuro-critical care services including help with raised intracranial pressure, cord compression, intracranial tumors, epidural hemorrhage, and myasthenic crisis. We provide support for the type of emergencies that don’t happen frequently in small hospitals, but when they do, require an expert to intervene quickly to save lives.
Teleneurology has the potential to make all the difference to stroke patients but has many other important applications. By combining technology and expertise, the very best in neurological care can support the management of patients with highly complex diseases, and improve outcomes through the delivery of faster diagnosis and treatment plans. With the technological advances in teleneurology, it is now possible to provide the highest quality care no matter where the patient is located, in an effective, efficient, and affordable manner.
Choose Sevaro as your trusted hospital partner; schedule a call today to learn how we can make a difference at your hospital.