How to Talk to Kids About a Family Member’s Stroke

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, providing fast and efficient care is crucial, particularly in...

Synapse AI: Revolutionizing Virtual Neurology with AI-Powered Stroke Care

Synapse AI: Revolutionizing Virtual Neurology with AI-Powered Stroke Care

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, providing fast and efficient care is crucial, particularly in...

7 Hidden Signs of a Stroke You Might Miss

7 Hidden Signs of a Stroke You Might Miss

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, providing fast and efficient care is crucial, particularly in...


Lifestyle and Dietary Changes To Prevent and Recover from Strokes

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, providing fast and efficient care is crucial, particularly in...


All Blogs

Stroke Certification And Why It Matters – Advancing The Field Of Neurology

The certification process for stroke first began in 2003, when the American Heart Association (AHA),...


Stroke Education For Kids

This past month marked a pivotal moment in community health education, particularly for the young...


Debunking Stroke Myths: Get the Facts with Sevaro During Stroke Awareness Month

May is Stroke Awareness Month—a crucial time dedicated to mitigating the impact of stroke through...


Join Us At Corazon’s Annual Conference, Co-Hosted By Sevaro and Healthworks, Inc.

From May 15th to 17th, the Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas in Scottsdale, AZ, becomes...


Sevaro’s Schedule Of Events At International Stroke Conference

This February, the vibrant city of Phoenix will host the much-anticipated International Stroke Conference (ISC)...


How Patients With Complex Neurological Problems Benefit From Prompt, Data-Driven Teleneurology

Teleneurology is a medical practice in which neurologists and vascular neurologists can see patients remotely...


How To Recognize And Respond to a Stroke

Every year, strokes strike millions worldwide, often leading to severe disability or even death.


Stroke 101: What Everyone Needs to Know on World Stroke Day

World Stroke Day is an annual event observed on October 29th, which aims to raise...


Telestroke: An In-Hospital-Stroke-Care Solution

The rapid response required during a stroke care situation is not limited to those who...


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