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Struggling to Connect with Your On-Call Neurologist?

No More Waiting: Get Instant Access to Your Virtual Neurologist with Sevaro OneCall™—Guaranteed in 45 Seconds.

Benefits Of OneCall™

Optimize Your Hub and Spoke Telestroke Model with Sevaro OneCall™—Connect with Virtual Neurologists in Just 45 Seconds, Seamlessly Integrated Across All Spoke Sites.

Smart Physician Scheduling Tool

Intelligent Communication To On-Call Physicians

Intuitive Physician Backup Routing

Call Data Capture And Reporting

Eliminate Call Center Expenditures And Delays

Sevaro OneCall™: 45-Second Telehealth Connection

With OneCall™, hospitals can initiate a treatment plan instantly—right when the patient and staff are prepared to act, ensuring timely care and better outcomes.

Need More Details?

Sevaro OneCall™ empowers hospitals to connect with medical practitioners that are part of a telehealth service line within 45 seconds. It comes with any acute Sevaro telestroke service but can also be purchased separately to power a hospitals own telehealth application if they have their own providers.

Sevaro OneCall™ is an intelligent approach to do away with call centers that have slowed down the process of communication. We all played a version of the telephone game at some point in our lives, whether it be in elementary school or as adults. Messages get distorted when they pass through people and additional layers of technology. Sevaro OneCall™ throws the call center to the curb and connects hospital-based nurses, physicians and staff directly with the provider who is on call within 45 seconds.

The real power lies within Sevaro OneCall’s ability to establish a treatment plan in the moment when the patient and the hospital staff are ready to start the process.

While the call center model requires staff to input information or leave a message and wait for a call back. Oftentimes when the call back happens the hospital-based staff have moved on to other patients or tasks and the process is further stalled as both sides try to get on the same schedule.

When time is of the essence such as in stroke or mental health crisis, consider Sevaro OneCall to power your program.

Speak with a OneCall Specialist to see how it can help.